Special auction March 22, 2014
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No. 405
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 120 €
MOTSCHMANN, small baby doll, fix inset black glass eyes, closed mouth, up-painted hair, 21 cm, with doll's cot, wood, with canopy, length 28 cm, with bedclothes
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 406
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 1900 €
sacred wooden doll with child, c. 1750, 65 cm, painted eyes, slightly opened mouth, intimitated ears, this version is probably original, wig is more recent, 1 finger was supplemented, jointed wood body with carved sandals, original dress for doll and child are add, is a museum piece

Hammerprice: 3100,00 €

No. 407
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 180 €
metal casket with 2 perfume bottles, scissors, thimble and accessories are made of silver, c. 1870, 8.5 cm, nice decoration for an early fashion doll

Hammerprice: 700,00 €

No. 408
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 250 €
doll jewellery, coral, silver, c. 1880, chain, bangle, ring, earring, brooch in original case
Hammerprice: 800,00 €

No. 409
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 7500 €
HURET, fashion doll, France, bisque shoulder headed doll, painted eyes, closed mouth, mohair wig, original jointed wood body, one finger is knocked, original dress and slip, leather boot with heel, 44 cm, with suitcase, suitable clothes, hats, umbrella with ivory handle, bags, small articles, suitcase signed Alexandré, Paris, one of the special pieces from the Rothenburg museum

Hammerprice: 12000,00 €

No. 410
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 3800 €
BEBE JUMEAU, unusual size, No. 14, socket head, fixed blue Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, patched ears, with pierced earlobes, in neck marked Depose TETE JUMEAU, blond original real hair wig on cork cover, original JUMEAU jointed body, with loosely wrists, marked Bebe JUMEAU, the original clothes were made of blue silk, partially a little bit worn, original shoes, marking Bebe JUMEAU, old underwear, nice old hood, 78 cm

Hammerprice: 5200,00 €

No. 411
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 850 €
GAULTIER, French fashion doll, socket head, fix light blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced earlobes, bisque breast plate, neck marking 4, leather body with gusset, single stitched down fingers, fix glued on cork cover, from outside are no cracks visible, newer mohair wig, nice dress sewed of old fabric, c. 46 cm

Hammerprice: 2000,00 €

No. 412
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 900 €
probably JUMEAU, fashion doll, socket head on a breast plate, blue fixed eyes, closed mouth, pierced earlobes, old blond mohair wig on a cork cover, leather body with single stitched down fingers, old clothes, old underwear, old leather boot, old straw hat, 42 cm

Hammerprice: 950,00 €

No. 413
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 1800 €
BRU, fashion doll, a so-called Mona Lisa Bru, bisque socket head, neck signature E, with fixed light blue glass eyes, smiling modelled closed mouth, pierced ears, on a breast plate, blond original real hair wig on cork cover, leather body with gusset, single stitched down fingers, old original clothes, appliquéd fabric shoes, old underwear, c. 45 cm, clothes are slightly worn at some places

Hammerprice: 2400,00 €

No. 414
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 60 €
Günzel, artist doll, not marked, mass coated with wax, shoulder headed doll, head is bent to the side, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, real hair wig, fabric body, mass arms and legs, 78 cm
Hammerprice: 400,00 €

No. 415
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 40 €
artist doll, marked H.Günzel, 1988, Kirsten, mass coated withwax, breast plate with socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, real hair wig, fabric body, mass arms and lower legs, wax coated, 58 cm
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 416
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 40 €
artist doll, H.Günzel, 1991, Maria, mass coated with wax, breast plate with socket head, fix blue glass eyes, opened mouth, teeth, mohair wig, fabric body, mass arms and lower legs, wax coated, 57 cm
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 417
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 70 €
artist doll, H. Günzel, 1995, Annabell, mass coated with wax, shoulder headed doll is bent to the side, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, real hair wig, fabric body, mass arms and lower legs, wax coated, 79 cm
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 418
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 180 €
very expressive artist doll, vinyl, shoulder headed doll marked unique specimen JG, brown painted eyes, opened mouth with modelled teeth, inset lashes, wig is made of synthetic hair, fabric body, vinyl arms and lower legs, angled legs(sitting doll), c. 80 cm, 1 finger was glued, in Gmunden / Austria it was was awarded with the 1st price for the perfect representation of a chlid

No. 419
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 60 €
2 Munich dolls from the '30s, carved wood heads, fabric body, 26 cm and 34 cm, with handwritten letter by the owner, was a gift to the museum Engels
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 420
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 20 €
horse on wheels, covered with pelt, pelt very worn, seat height 53 cm, leather at neck is coming open, saddle was supplemented, length 65 cm
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 421
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 380 €
KESTNER, Burmese, porcelain head, marked Germany 23, brown fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, real hair wig, on a jointed mass body, 35 cm, clothes were over sewed, wood shoes
Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 422
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 160 €
ARMAND MARSEILLE, porcelain head Googly, marked Germany 323, with blue to the side looking sleepy eyes, closed mouth, mohair wig, on a standing mass body with modelled shoes and socks, 20 cm, old clothes
Hammerprice: 600,00 €

No. 423
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 70 €
SIMON & HALBIG, porcelain head doll marked 10 78, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, real hair wig, on a jointed mass body with ball-and-socket joints, 30 cm, with 1 wood rocking chair
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 424
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 40 €
ARMAND MARSEILLE, porcelain head doll marked 390, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, mohair wig, jointed mass body, 2 fingers are break off, 25 cm
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 425
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 30 €
porcelain head doll marked H 4 P, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, the real hair wig was glued on, a little bit losing, on a standing mass body, old clothes, leather shoes
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 426
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 40 €
ARMAND MARSEILLE, porcelain head doll marked 390, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, mohair wig was glued on, on a standing massbody, 20 cm, in an old traditional costume
Hammerprice: 110,00 €

No. 427
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 40 €
shoulder headed mass doll, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, the real hair wig was glued on, face withformation of cracks, fabric body, mass forearms lower legs with modelled boots, wax coated, 31 cm, old clothes
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 428
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 30 €
mass shoulder headed doll, wax coated, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, head with formation of cracks, on a fabric body, mass forearms and lower legs, 26 cm
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 429
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 20 €
A. C. ANGER, porcelain head doll, marked Made in Austria, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, dimple at chin, mohair wig, on a standing mass body, modelled shoes and socks, 21 cm
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 430
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 30 €
porcelain full head marked 105 2/0, blue fix inset sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, on a jointed wood body, with modelled shoes, probably for a machine, 29 cm
Hammerprice: 250,00 €

No. 431
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 30 €
Biedermeier, mass shoulder headed doll, nice modelled hairstyle, painted eyes, color is wear down at the hair, the tip of the nose and at small places in face, fabric body, mass forearms, 36 cm
Hammerprice: 170,00 €

No. 432
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 60 €
2 porcelain head dolls, dark squirted, 1 x marked 34 17, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, teeth, jointed body, 17 cm, 1 x fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, teeth, real hair wig, jointed body is probably more recent, 17 cm
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 433
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 40 €
porcelain dollhouse doll, brown fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, mohair wig was fix glued on, head is attached on a standing mass body, 21 cm, modelled shoes, new clothes
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 434
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 80 €
money bag or tobacco pouch, mass shoulder headed doll, painted eyes, old clothes, mass forearms, lower legs with modelled boots, 34 cm, if you lift the head you can fill the leather trousers
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 435
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 20 €
BAEHR & BRÖSCHILD, marked Made in Germany, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, mohair wig was glued on, on a new jointed body, 28 cm, with Heubach Köppelsdorf mass doll marked 920, squirted, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, standing massbody, 21 cm, with awicker armchair
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 436
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 20 €
sofa doll, papier mâché head, painted to the side looking eyes, laughing mouth, painted hair, hair and tip of the nose in places with flaked off paint parts, fabric body, 57 cm, silk clothes are worn in places
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 437
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 250 €
KÄTHE KRUSE, Du Mein, 52 cm, magnesite head, tricot body, weighted, navel, hole at botty, 50 cm
Hammerprice: 900,00 €

No. 438
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 50 €
doll's latticed bedstead, wood, on wheels, length 60 cm, height 35 cm, with 2 old christening dresses, lace-trimmed cotton
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 439
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 60 €
doll bed, rattan, with canopy and bedclothes, length 62 cm, bed with small break off rattan parts

No. 440
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 250 €
KÄTHE KRUSE, dreamer, newer production, magnesite head, tricot body, weighted, with navel, hole at botty, 50 cm
Hammerprice: 650,00 €

No. 441
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 40 €
doll cradle, metal, varnished, with canopy and lace doily, length 65 cm, height 46 cm
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 442
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 350 €
nice French furniture program (doll decoration), c. 1880, richly, fine carved wood , clock, 40 cm, bedroom wardrobe, height 42 cm, suitable top cabinet with richly tin parts, 41 cm, occasional cabinet, 40 cm, wall bed, cradle, bench, chair, and 1 chair with insert for a chamber pot, very nice produced
Hammerprice: 700,00 €

No. 443
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 40 €
doll's wash set, mangle, basket with clamps, 1 washing machine, without cover, height 20 cm, with small bathing doll, 1 foot was glued
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 444
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 120 €
doll's tailor`s dummy, with old frock coat, height all in all 73 cm
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 445
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 40 €
2 dress forms, probably 1 upper part is old, 42 cm tall, foot was supplemented, dress was sewed of old fabric, 1 bust with supplementedmiddle part, olddress
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 447
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 60 €
toilet bag, nice sewing box, velvet, handle and ornaments are made of ivory, some sewing utensils, a nice doll decoration
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 448
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 60 €
small doll's sewing table, with a suitable tiltable mirror, height of the mirror 17 cm, nice decoration for a fashion doll
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 449
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 60 €
small sewing bag, c. 1880, velvet, monogram, brass, 1 side is inside mirrored, 1 side with a number of sewing utensils with ivory handles, 1 handle is faulty, otherwise very nice original condition, nice decoration for a French Bebe
Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 450
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 40 €
doll bag, wood/brass, with brass ornaments, 7.5 cm, unusual
Hammerprice: 170,00 €

No. 451
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 60 €
doll's decoration pieces, small binoculars, rattle, small botanize-barrel, lithographed tin, flaws at the clasp, nice size, 9.5 cm, 1 pair of doll shoes
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 452
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 60 €
travel inkpot, shaped like a suitcase, nice decoration for a fashion doll, c. 1890, 6.5 cm, brass, covered with leather, unusual
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 453
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 60 €
2 baskets, A. Ehrlah Vienna, 1 basket with complex brass clasp, 1 doll umbrella, both are caused of old age in worn condition, 34 cm
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 454
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 40 €
nice mixed lot doll dress, for a c. 61 cm tall doll, 2 hats, 1 umbrella
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 455
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 60 €
4 pieces rattles, three of it silver, one of it brass, with handle made of mother-of-pearl or ivory
Hammerprice: 240,00 €