Special auction March 22, 2014
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No. 610
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 40 €
VERONIKA MUSSONI, 2 dolls, marked 1990, porcelain socket head, on a breast plate, painted eyes, mohair wig, fabric body with wire trestle, porcelain hands, 40 cm, 1 x completely made of porcelain, Chinese woman, 20 cm mohair wig, painted eyes, original, clothes with asledge
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 611
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 40 €
VERONIKA MUSSONI, 2 dolls, completely made of porcelain, painted eyes, mohair wigs, c. 20 cm, original, clothes
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 612
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 130 €
GABI SCHLOTZ, artist doll Michael, porcelain crank head, marked 1997, number 9 of 25 copies, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, the red wig is made of synthetic hair, fabric body, porcelain forearms and lower legs, 48 cm
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 613
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 60 €
ULRIKE HUT, 2 dolls, completely made of porcelain, Sofi and Joschua, limited 1996, nice modelled faces and modelled hairstyles, 24 cm, on a wood base
Hammerprice: 270,00 €

No. 614
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 150 €
HILDEGART GÜNZEL, artist doll, porcelain, wax coated, socket head, marked little bell, 1992, limited edition 1 of 20 copies, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth with 2 upper teeth, real hair wig, inset lashes, fabric body, porcelain arms and lower legs, also wax coated, 63 cm, doll is sitting

No. 615
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 150 €
HILDEGART GÜNZEL, artist doll, sailor girl, porcelain, wax coated, socket head, marked, 1991, limited editions, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, real hair wig, inset lashes, fabric body, porcelain forearms and lower legs, also wax coated, 60 cm, original, clothes, with small bear
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 616
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 150 €
HILDEGART GÜNZEL, artist doll, sailor boy, porcelain, wax coated, socket head, with breast plate, limited edition, marked, 1991, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened, mouth, teeth, real hair wig, inset lashes, fabric body, porcelain forearms and lower legs, also wax coated, 60 cm, original, clothes
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 617
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 150 €
SILVYA NATTERER, artist doll, Hansel with wood pannier, limited edition from1996, 8 by 10, porcelain head, painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, wig is made of synthetic hair, glued on, fabric body, porcelain forearms and legs, 40 cm, with original wooden stand
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 618
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 130 €
SILVYA NATTERER, artist doll, boy, porcelain head, marked 1997, number 4 of 5 copies, blue painted eyes, opened, mouth, red wig is made of synthetic hair, fabric body, porcelain, arms and legs, 52 cm, ( hand puppet ) on original wood base
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 619
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 130 €
SILVYA NATTERER, artist doll, porcelain crank head on a porcelain breast plate, marked 1995, number 4 of 5 copies, green painted eyes, opened, mouth, wig is made of synthetic hair and glued on, on a fabric body, porcelain forearms and lower legs, 35 cm
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 620
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 150 €
SILVYA NATTERER, artist doll, completely made of porcelain, socket head, marked 1995, 2 of 10, brown painted eyes, wig is made of synthetic hair, flexible arms and legs, 50 cm
Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 621
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 80 €
GUNDI GROH, oil on canvas, 2 children at the edge of a wood in the snow, 32.5cm x 36.5cm, signed
Hammerprice: 250,00 €

No. 622
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 30 €
ISABELL LANGENBECK, batik, 46 cm x 33 cm, playing children
Hammerprice: 30,00 €

No. 623
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 30 €
ANNE LÖHR, batik, 2 x dolls, framed in a passepartout, 32 cm x 32.5 cm

No. 624
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 160 €
picture, silk embroidery, monastery embroidery from the estate of the Brothers Kämmerer, by Friedrich W. III, to Dr. Wilhelm Scheer, sacral motif, Jesus blessing children, very fine work, 38 cm x 42.5 cm framed
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 625
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 30 €
ANNE LÖHR, batik, motif Noah`s ark, 42 cm x 47 cm, framed
Hammerprice: 30,00 €

No. 626
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 30 €
ANNE LÖHR, batik, child on tricycle, 35 cm x 43 cm, framed in a passepartout
Hammerprice: 30,00 €

No. 627
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 30 €
ANNE LÖHR, batik, child with pram, 44 cm x 33 cm, framed, in a passepartout
Hammerprice: 30,00 €

No. 628
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 120 €
ERIKA KLUT, oil on wood, 1983, children playing with cats, 54 cm x 43 cm
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 629
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 120 €
ERIKA KLUTH, oil on canvas, children in a snowy landscape, 39 cm x 29 cm, framed

No. 630
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 120 €
ERIKA KLUTH, oil on canvas, 3 children on a bench, 39 x 29 cm, framed
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 631
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 120 €
ERIKA KLUTH, playing children, oil on canvas, 38.5 cm x 28.5 cm,framed
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 632
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 120 €
ERIKA KLUTH, oil on canvas, children on a sledge, 39 cm x 29 cm, framed
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 633
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 120 €
ERIKA KLUTH, oil on canvas, enticement in paradise, 53 cm x 38.5 cm, framed
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 634
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 120 €
ERIKA KLUTH, oil on canvas, Noah`s ark, framed, 53.5 cm x 34.5 cm
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 635
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 30 €
mixed lot of 3 pieces, 2 x print, Marie Flatscher, 2 playing angels, framed, 22.5 cm x 29 cm, 1 x lithography of bursting bubbles, 40.5 cm x 30 cm framed, small lithography, "Es regnet seinen Lauf und wenn´s genug geregnet hat dann hört es wieder auf", colored in a passepartout
Hammerprice: 30,00 €

No. 636
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 150 €
SILVYA NATTERER, artist doll, completely made of porcelain, socket head, marked 1995, number 2 of 10 copies, brown painted eyes, real hair wig, flexible arms and legs, 50 cm, with small punch hand puppet
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 637
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 30 €
mixed lot of 3 fabric dolls by Gertrud Mertsching / Kaiserwerth, handpainted, c. 38 cm
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 638
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 40 €
2 dolls completely made of wood, by S. Schmidt from1985, painted eyes, artificial hair wig, 30cm
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 639
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 90 €
musical clock by Elisabeth Flueler-Tomamichel / Switzerland,elf and three dwarfes an unique specimen from1995, with musical clock, clock mechanism is intact, the elf is turning, 45 cm x 35 cm
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 640
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 40 €
papier mâché artist doll, breast plate, painted face fabric body, papier mâché forearms and lower legs, 60 cm, with 1 x papier mâché donkey, (sitting animal), handpainted, seat height 38 cm

No. 641
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 280 €
22 marionettes, wood/mass, c. 28 cm, old clothes, nice representations

Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 642
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 20 €
farmers living room, handicrafts from 1938, rustic furniture, handpainted, fabric dolls, length 38 cm, depth 26 cm, height 19 cm
Hammerprice: 20,00 €

No. 643
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 30 €
dollhouse with oriel, with richly wood furnishings, bedroom, living room, playpen, cot, small, wicker pram with two mass dolls, 36 cm long, 29 cm deep, 22 cm tall
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 644
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 30 €
child table wood, with drawer, height of table: 62 cm, length: 67 cm
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 645
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 180 €
bicycle horse, c. 1880, France, 1.06 m, large wheels with spokes, horse wood/mass, inset glass eyes, nice decoration for a large doll
Hammerprice: 380,00 €

No. 646
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 160 €
ERZGEBIRGE, village, without damage, in original box, 9 buildings, 2 vehicles with tin wheels, 4 figures, some animals, fence parts and Lufa trees
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 1001
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 160 €
stable, around 1900, 61 cm wide, 45 cm tall, 2 draught horses, papier mâché, cast spoke wheels, 2 horses are covered with fabric, wood wheels, 2 horses made of papier mâché, wood wheels, 24 cm, horses were detailed produced, with bridle
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 1002
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 60 €
stable, 46 cm wide, 42 cm tall, 2 draught horses with wood and tin wheels, 1 horse without wheels, was colorwise retouched, around 1900
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 1003
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 260 €
small kitchen with chimney hood, 58 cm wide, 34 cm tall, colorwise retouched, chimney hood was supplemented, fix fitted shelves, cupboardat the side, nice accessories, cake pans, fish forms, spoon holder, spice doses, vinegar and oil carafe, coffee grinder, wood- and brass parts, nice size
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 1004
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 280 €
dollhouse shop, 82 cm, manufacturing work, c. 1890, old wallpaper at wall and floor, furnished like a pharmacy, porcelain box, boxes, tin and paper parts, glass bottles, with Erzgebirge seller made of mass, 17 cm
Hammerprice: 950,00 €

No. 1005
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 650 €
exceptional dollhouse kitchen, c. 1890, 86 cm wide, 46 cm tall, 48 cm deep, nice original painting at wall and floor, shelves, sink unit with lower cupboard, nice worked kitchen cupboard, richly accessories, porcelain, tin, brass, and wooden parts, stove with lion's paw feet, brass doors, sheet metal with stamped brickwork, a very nice eyecatcher
Hammerprice: 1200,00 €

No. 1006
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 120 €
2-part dollhouse case, with passage door, 2 windows, bathroom in themiddle, 98 cm wide, 33 cm tall, 33 cm deep, old wallpaper at wall and floor, partially repaired, Rock & Graner bedroom, 2 beds, beside locker, some accessories, nice piece for supplementing
Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 1007
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 450 €
dollhouse kitchen, c. 1880, fix fitted shelves, richly accessories, porcelain, tin, wood and ceramic parts, with an early stove, pantry with credenza, old painting at wall and floor
Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 1008
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 90 €
small shop case, furnished like a fashion shop, 54 cm wide, 23 cm tall, drawers are missing, richly accessories
Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 1009
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 250 €
shop, around 1900, furnished like a fashion shop, 90 cm wide, 35 cm tall, drawers, shelves, at the side cupboards, counter, accessories, 2 dolls
Hammerprice: 400,00 €

No. 1010
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 650 €
2-part dollhouse, 1880, manufacturing work, turned front borders, passage, old wallpaper at wall and floor, outside stuck with lithographed paper, 3 windows, furnished with BOULLE furnitures, 2 dollhouse dolls, tin parts, very decorative
Hammerprice: 1500,00 €

No. 1011
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 260 €
GOTTSCHALK, small shop, 49 cm wide, 26 cm tall, at the side drawers with tin signs, exit in the back, with counter, richly accessories, scales
Hammerprice: 1200,00 €

No. 1012
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 180 €
small shop for colonial goods, 35 cm, lithographed front borders, original counter, drawers with paper signs, c. 1890, nice original condition, with richly accessories, seller
Hammerprice: 380,00 €

No. 1013
Special auction March 22, 2014
Limit: 260 €
small shop, around 1900, 56 cm wide, 28 cm tall, drawers with porcelain signs, shelves at the side, counter with drawers, scales, porcelain, wood, and tin pieces, small dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, fabric body, porcelain arms and legs, old wallpaper
Hammerprice: 350,00 €