Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Online Catalog
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Complete catalog

No. 1
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 650 €
Farmer John from Swabia, 1908 - 1924, 50 cm,
felt, blue glass eyes, centre seam, sewed on
felt ears, hair made of mohair, original felt hat,
felt waistcoat with 9 STEIFF buttons, original
felt trousers, original shoes, all in all in a very
good condition, except for two very little spots
on the forehead and on the fingers


No. 2
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 550 €
Traditional costume doll, 1908 - 1911,
50 cm, felt/mohair, felt body, original
clothing and shoes, with button, remainings
of white cloth tag label, 3 small
little faults concerning the felt of the
face, as well as little faults on the legs,
good condition


No. 3
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 450 €
Doll, Dutchwoman, 1911 - 1921, 50 cm, felt,
glass eyes, original clothing clogs, with
button, faults concerning the felt caused by
old age, loss of mohair, used


No. 4
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 800 €
Sow/pig, 1905 - 1906, 14 cm, light coloured
felt, blotchy, standing, metallic wheels, shiny
button, remianings of white cloth tag label,
shoe button eyes, very good condition

No. 5
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 320 €
Infanterist, 1912 - 1916, 35 cm, felt jointed, full
marching order equipment, german soldier,
original felt clothing, original shoes, without
helmet and knapsack, with button, soles stud
with 25 STEIFF buttons, dirty face, felt clothing
in good condition, little hole in the hand

No. 6
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 1200 €
Position with speacial history, Mr. Vallendor, sales manager of Margarete Steiff Ltd. in the 30’s,
had a secretary, named Adelheid LIbor. Due to the family, she sometimes had to fix
the buttons of the men in the company and thus she always had some needles on her desk.
One day Mr. Vallendor got from the “Altenkammer” from Margarete Steiff a pin and needle
cushion. Later on, Ms. A. Libor married Mr. Karl Schelker and when she then left the company,
she got the pin cushion as a present: Lion lying on pin cushion, velvet, yellow and brown, mane
made of mohair, Cushion decorated with cord, velvet a little shabby, velvet of lion in good
condition, nearly no loss of mohair, 14 cm high, about 1904

No. 7
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 650 €
Belgian soldier, 1910 - 1919, 30 cm, felt
jointed, centre seam on the head, button eyes,
with button, leather belt, little felt damages,
painting and used

No. 8
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 350 €
Rekord-Moritz, 1916 - 1926, on puling platform
with wheels and moving mechanism
and voice mechanism, dragging or pulling
rope 25 cm, felt, button eyes, decoration
bleached a little, some spots were repaired
concerning the felt

No. 9
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 180 €
32 plates, 1910 - 1920, with images and
photographies, most of them are windowdecoration,
remarkable, portrayals, fun fair,
circus, menagerie, portrayals with children,
burning house, horse racing, Noah’s ark,
some images are small, some large, all
together the plates are 48,5 x 32,5 cm,


No. 10
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 450 €
Roly-Poly Clown, 1909 - 1917, 27 cm, felt,
blue/yellow, some faults on the ball, felt of
the face in good condition, without button,

No. 11
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 450 €
Music-Teddy, 1951 - 1957, 35 cm, mohair,
caramel, jointed, music mechanism from
Switzerland, red felt application on its
stomach, white letters: “Music”, used, with
button, cloth tag label worn out, used, good

No. 12
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 950 €
Teddy, pre-war period, approx. 1908, 33 cm,
with button, crosswise embroided nose,
partly repaired, little loss of mohair on its
mouth, repaired felt paws, squeaker, hunchback,
long bended arms, good condition

No. 13
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 300 €
Teddy bear, approx. 1910, 30 cm,
blond, with button, shoe button eyes,
felt paws in good condition, little
loss of mohair on its mouth, long
bended arms, small loss of stuffing,
defective squeaker, a little used

No. 14
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 1500 €
Bear, approx. 1933, 50 cm, white, light
embroidery, long bended arms, slight
hunchback, with b utton, loss of stuffing
mohair in good condition except for some
small spots, beautiful face expression

No. 15
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 350 €
Teddy Baby, 1949 - 1953, 9 cm, mohair, darkbrown, jointed, with tag, red writting, button and
cloth tag, No. 7309, with US-tag remained in very good condition, very good condition


No. 16
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 300 €
Bear, 1934 - 1943, 25 cm, darkbrown,
crosswise embroided nose, with button,
without cloth tag, label and number, felt
paws in very good condition, slight hunch-
back, long bended arms, very good condition


No. 17
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 180 €
Teddy Baby, 1949 - 1953, 22 cm, corn
coloured, with button and US-Cloth tag,
No. of tag 7322, mohair, open mouth, felt
paws in good condition, defective squeaker,
with collar and bell, very good condition,
beautiful face expression


No. 18
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 320 €
Molly, 1928 - 1934, 20 cm, white, darkbrown
tipped, with button, red cloth tag and label,
No. 3322,2, tiny loss of mohair on the neck,
good condition

No. 19
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 90 €
Hush Puppies, 1961-
1962, sitting, 22 cm,
advertising figure for
exceptional size, with
button, cloth tag and
label, No. 4080/22,
defective squeaker,
otherwise in good condition

No. 20
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 180 €
Cat, neck mechanics, 1930 - 1943, sitting, 15cm, without buttom, cloth tag and label,
defective squeaker, grey tabby, jointed, glass eyes, mohair in good condition except for some small spots, seat height 15 cm


No. 21
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 900 €
Gelb-Has ( yellow rabbit ), 1932 - 1934,
standing 25 cm, yellow, mohair,
begging, floppy ears, pink velvet on the
inner ear, with jacket, defective squeaker,
with button and red cloth tag but number
cannot be read

No. 22
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 220 €
Woolen miniature, duck, approx. 1926 -
1934, 6 cm, with felt bonnet, metallic legs
with little slippers, with button and red cloth
tag label, No. 1506, very good condition

No. 23
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 250 €
Lulac, 60`s, standing 32 cm, with button,
cloth tag and lable No. 1322,00, original
condition, cannot be found in this size in the
STEIFFcatalogue, possibly it is a sample

No. 24
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 4900 €
Teddy bear with muzzle, 1909 - 1917, 40 cm, light brown jointed, leather muzzle. squeaker,
shoe button eyes, with button, series 12, number 5328,27, full mohair except for small spots
on the mouth and eyes, embroying of the nose probably renewed, felt paws at the arms oversewn,
some repaired spots on the felt of the feet, oirignal-STEIFF muzzle with writting


No. 25
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 1900 €
Pupp Charly, 1929, 26 cm, fabric fur head,-
arms and legs, white/purple dress, matching
shoes, with cloth tag, original archiv badge
No. 328,6, small defects on the back of its
head, otherwise in good condition

No. 26
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 1500 €
Ladybird from the STEIFF-archives, 1929,
7 cm high, mohair fur fabric, red/blue,
wooden wheels, automatic crawl movements
bended metallic feelers, with original STEIFF
badge number 1310, good condition

No. 27
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 900 €
Clown, 1936, 40 cm, with button, cloth
tag and label with No. 35, original badge
from the STEIFF archives, felt face beautifully
coloured by hand, glass eyes, hair
made of yellow mohair, white felt hat, silk
ruff, blue cloth, rampers, black and red
coloured felt shoes, good condition

No. 28
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 1900 €
Swan, 1919, 23 cm, from the STEIFF archives,
white mohair, with the original badge 2322EX,
very beautiful expression of the felt face,
small rips on the neck, underneath the wings
a special layer of felt, as well as black felt
legs, wooden excentric-wheels, very rare,
limited edition of seventeen pieces

No. 29
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 9500 €
Bonzo, one piece of the STEIFF archives, coloured velvet, blue glass eyes, red leather collar, red sewed
on felt tongue, squeaker, jointed, standing 22 cm, with the original-button, red cloth tag and label, No.
5417, with the original badge, perfect condition, beautiful colours, Bonzo is a figure, of the english artist
G. E. Studdy, who is commercializing the success of the little dog, books are published in high numbers,
Bonzo is getting popular, STEIFF is sending the first sample to England to obtain an expert’s opinion, it
flopped, in favoured of the english company Chad Valley & CO., Steiff stopped the series, there are
seven different sizes of the little dog in the STEIFF archives, all together there are 115 samples


No. 30
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 200 €
Woolen miniature, 3 cm, rabbit,19311 - 1934,
with button and completely white cloth tag,
No. 254,3, number was changed by handwritting,
number underneath cannot be
readanymore, original condition

No. 31
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 480 €
Original Teddy, 1959 - 1964, 35 cm, darkbrown,
with button, cloth tag and label,
No. 5335,03, squeaker, felt paws in good
condition, original condition

No. 32
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 200 €
Laika, 1959, 17 cm, with button and yellow
cloth tag, No. 1317,00, defective squeaker,
good condition

No. 33
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 950 €
Bear, pre-war period, approx. 1910, 30
cm, darkbrown, with button, shoe button
eyes, crosswise embroided nose, faults
at the felt paws, squeaker, long bended
arms, little hunchback, good condition

No. 34
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 1300 €
Teddy bear, 1923 - 1926, 58 cm
darkbrown tipped, with button,
small remainings of white cloth
tag, squeaker, felt paws in good
condition, long bended arms,
hunchback, peferctly embroided
nose, beautiful mohair,
perfect condition

No. 35
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 900 €
Bear, pre-war period, approx.
1910, 50 cm, yellow, with shoe
button eyes, long bended arms,
hunchback, little loss of mohair,
little loss of stuffing, nice
expression, good condition

No. 36
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 120 €
Bear, 1923 - 1926, 10 cm, with button, small
remainings of white cloth tag, very good condition,
nice expression, together with a booklet:
Margarete Steiff und der Teddybär, die
Geschichte eines Lebens, by J.M. von Koerneritz,
1947, 60 pages


No. 37
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 120 €
Original-Teddy bear, 1959 - 1964, 38 cm,
caramel, with button, label and yellow cloth
tag, No. 5343,02, squeaker, felt paws in
very good condition, unused


No. 38
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 800 €
Teddy bear, pre-war, 1923 - 1926, 48 cm,
yellow, with button, hunchback, long ben-
ded arms, squeaker, mohair in good
condition except for small spots, good


No. 39
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 1900 €
Original-Teddy bear, 1950 - 1958, 75 cm, white,
rare size concerning this colour, with button and
cloth tag, No. 5375,2, brown emboided nose,
glasseyes ,squeaker, fet paws in good condition,
except for some small spots, mohair in
good condition, very good condition


No. 40
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 1600 €
Teddy bear, pre-war period, 1926 - 1934,
50 cm, white, with button, red cloth tag,
Number cannot be read, light embroided
nose, hunchback, long bended arms, one felt
paw was repaired on a small spot, beauti-
ful mohair


No. 41
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 900 €
Teddy bear, pre-war, 1926 - 1934, 21 cm, white, light embroided nose, small faults at the felt paws, slight hunchback,
long bended arms, glass eyes, double squeaker defect, small loss of mohair on mouth, otherwiese in
good condition except for some small sots


No. 42
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 250 €
Teddy, pre-war period, approx. 1912, 20 cm, was obviously once white, without button, cloth tag and label,
shoe button eyes, light embroided nose, with a framed original photography of Margarete Steiff, very nice lot

No. 43
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 250 €
Advertising item ginger breadhouse, from 1964, 70 cm high, very good condition, one little masterpiece from the
STEIFF department for showpieces, edited for the first time in the publicity adviser of STEIFF in the year 1964,
with decoration, comment: “Please take animals out of stock”, little damages due to age, as well as small
distortions of the rubber parts, nice and extraordinary piece


No. 44
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 400 €
Teddy bear, pre-war period, 1922, 20 cm, with button, remainings of white cloth tag, shoe button eyes, yellow,
hunchback, felt paws in good condition, a little loss of mohair, but all in all in a good condition


No. 45
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 450 €
Original-Teddy, approx. 1959, 34 cm,
white, with button, yellow cloth tag with
No. 5335,04, squeaker, dark embroided
nose, glass eyes, felt paws in very good
condition, small hunchback, original

No. 46
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 100 €
Scotty, 1934 - 1943, standing hight 37 cm, black, with button, cloth tag and label, No. 1335,02, red leather
collar with bell, very good condition

No. 47
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 120 €
Molly, handbag, 1928 - 1940, 20 cm sitting hight, colours faded a little, was obviosly watered in white and
brown, with button remainings of red cloth tag, defective dubble squeaker in the tail, otherwise in good
condition, rare

No. 48
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 350 €
Bärenmarke-Bear, advertising animal
produced for Nestlé, 1960, with button,
cloth tag and label, No. 7535,90, jointed
arms, original condition, limited edition of
614 bears

No. 49
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 800 €
Donkey and carriage, 1922 - 1926, 56 cm, felt, wooden wheels, white wooden carriage,
painted in blue and red, donkey with button, white cloth tag, No. 1122, leatherbelt from
harness defective, otherwise very nice original condition


No. 50
Steiff auction in Giengen June 28, 2008
Limit: 120 €
Figur, Johann, from 1912 - 1920, 44 cm, with button, felt head with center seam, button eyes,
Expressman, a little bleached, hat original?, jointed cloth legs, shoes made of oil cloth,
rubbed off felt colouring, one button on jacket was renewed, trousers were damaged,
altogether in played original condition
