Steiff - Special auction
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No. 1
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 120 €
STEIFF, Knupfi and Hupfi, ski bunnies, mohair, felt and perlon velour, Knupfi with a ski stick and bandaged foot, Hupfi with 2 skis and 2 ski sticks, number on cloth tag label of Knupfi 7810/18, 18 cm, number on cloth tag label of Hupfi 7811/18, 1968 - 1971, 18 cm, 1 original bag is available

No. 2
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 180 €
STEIFF, BIB & BIBBIE, 2 hares, button mohair, rubber body, white/brown, freestanding, pannier, Bibbie number on cloth tag label 8312,80, 1959 - 1964, Bib, number on cloth tag label 8312,70, 1959 - 1964, condition: both as good as new

No. 3
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 280 €
STEIFF, doll hare, boy and girl, button mohair, soft body, white/grey shaded, freestanding, svivel head, pannier, boy hare number on cloth tag label 725, 1951 .- 1957, 25 cm, US cloth tag label, without chest label, girl number on cloth tag label 725, 1951 - 1957, 25 cm US cloth tag label, without chest label, pannier is a bit damaged,condition: otherwise without damage

No. 4
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 120 €
STEIFF, bedtime treat hares, head and arms are made of mohair, felt clothes, head can be turned, hollow inside for covering small gifts, 15 cm, number on cloth tag label 3173/15, 1968 - 1973, green, number on the cloth tag label of the second hare 3174/15, 1968 - 1973, blue, condition: without damage

No. 5
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 220 €
STEIFF, BERNIE, Samarit, light brown mohair white spotted, standing, barrel at the collar, number on cloth tag label 1322.09, 1964 - 1966, 22 cm, condition: without damage, press voice is intact

No. 6
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 90 €
STEIFF, Elektrola-Fox, Dralon, ears mohair, sitting, red collar, "die Stimme seines Herrn", number on cloth tag label 4420.12, 1968 - 1974, 12 cm, condition: without damage

No. 7
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 220 €
STEIFF, Luxy, lynx, mohair , brown/white, sitting, number on cloth tag label 3325.00, 1963 , 25 cm, good condition

No. 8
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 90 €
STEIFF, green man, Trevira velvet, green, washable, designed by the Belgian artist Malette, number on cloth tag label, 7885/35, 1982 - 1984, 35 cm, good condition

No. 9
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 80 €
STEIFF, FUBA, soccer player fromt the miniature Mecki range, flexible rubber figure, number on cloth tag label 7710.05, 1964, 10 cm, without damage, rare

No. 10
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 80 €
STEIFF, MONTI, mechanic from the miniature Mecki range, flexible rubber figure, number on cloth tag label 7710.06, 1964, 10 cm, without damage, rare

No. 11
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 350 €
STEIFF, bear from the period before the war, caramel colored, c. 1925, glass eyes, with button, long snaped off arms, distinct hump, felt paws with small flaws, tip of the snout is worn, used, 20 cm, rare size, nice expression


No. 12
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 180 €
STEIFF, unusual soldier figure, felt, jointed, item name "Türk20 Jungheld", glass eyes, with seam at the middle of head, original felt clothes, 20 cm, a bit dirty, 1916 - 1919, small flaws at the felt calves


No. 13
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 850 €
STEIFF, the dreamer, original teddy bear, white, 40's/50's, 60 cm, with block letters button, 1 felt paw was a bit stuffed, otherwise slightly dirty felt paws, nice full mohair, voice is faulty, exceptional size, US cloth tag label is worn


No. 14
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 450 €
STEIFF, dwarf Puck, felt jointed, blue/green felt suit, yellow plush cap, long white beard, with button and white cloth tag label, number on cloth tag label 30Puck, 30 cm, 1914 - 1926, condition: without damage

No. 15
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 450 €
STEIFF, Schwefelmännchen, felt, yellow, standing, beard and hair are made of mohair, the green felt hat is missing, without button and chest label, 1936, 25 cm, good condition

No. 16
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 90 €
STEIFF, Sealyham, dog, syntetic silk plush, white, standing, with chest label, leather collar and bell, 11 cm, 1931 - 1934, without button and cloth tag label, condition: without damage

No. 17
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 320 €
STEIFF, Scotty, mohair , grey/black, standing, with neck mechanism, without button and cloth tag label, with chest label, 9 cm, smallest size, 1931 - 1933, a bit used, good condition

No. 18
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 220 €
STEIFF, hare, Wollie wool, 8 cm, white combined with pink color, head svivel, felt ears, with button, with rests of the red cloth tag label, 1934 - 1939

No. 19
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 160 €
STEIFF, teddy, white, produced between 1930 and 1940, 9 cm, with light colored embroidering at nose, glass eyes, with bell, very good condition, nice expression

No. 20
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 220 €
STEIFF, elephant, velvet as pin, around 1900, nice preserved, 17 cm, with button eyes, a bit velvet loss, good condition

No. 21
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 250 €
STEIFF, growler, walking, c. 1934, 25 cm, brown mohair, with button, voice is faulty, good condition, rare

No. 22
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 950 €
STEIFF, the impish one, teddy, 1910, 35 cm, brass color mohair, shoe button eyes, long snaped off arms, little hump, pointed snout, original felt paws, original condition almost without damage, with button


No. 23
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 90 €
STEIFF, Crabby, lobster, felt, 10 cm, complete with button, chest label and cloth tag label, number on cloth tag label 2010.00, produced between 1963 and 66, very good condition

No. 24
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 120 €
STEIFF, Crabby, lobster, 17 cm, felt, complete, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, number on cloth tag label 2017.00, 1963 - 1966, very good condition

No. 25
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 350 €
STEIFF, donkey and cart, donkey length 42 cm, felt, shoe button eyes, leather bridle, with saddle, cast spoke wheels, with suitable milk car, wood, wheels with spokes, with tin milk chums with 2 different sizes, the carriage is from the same family and it was used in this compilation, it couldn't be proofed if carriage and donkey were produced by the same manufacturer, there is no evidence for it, but it is known a similar item the donkey and cart with item number: 1150.35, produced circa in 1921, donkey with some felt damages, all in all nice original condition

No. 26
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 220 €
STEIFF, wool miniature, hare, 7 cm, yellow, red combined, two-fold jointed, sewn on felt paws, original felt slippers, with button, wire feet, 1935 - 1939, good condition, rare

No. 27
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 350 €
STEIFF, elephant, mohair , strongly faded, standing, caricatured, very softly stuffed, strong mohair loss, tusks, a bit mended, 22 cm, 1909 - 1927, with button, used

No. 28
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 850 €
STEIFF, the impish one, teddy bear, 40's, exceptional style, transitional period between the 30's and 40's, long snaped off arms, distinct hump, minimally mohair loss at the paw points, otherwise nice full mohair, continuous working voice, with button, exceptional nice facial expression, very good condition


No. 29
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 80 €
STEIFF, Teddy und Verwandte reisen durch die Lande, a picture book by Margarete Steiff, with rhymes told by Hans Meixner by Georg W. Dietrich Munich, 28 pages, pictures and rhymes of rare STEIFF animals and bears, c. 1920, with cover, very good condition, cover is minimally worn

No. 30
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 450 €
STEIFF, dachshund, number 1235, 1906 , 35 cm, short plush, black/brown, jointed, shoe button eyes, shiny button with rests of the white cloth tag label, good condition, very expressive

No. 31
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 80 €
STEIFF, hare, Nikili, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 726, 1958, with original clothes, 26 cm, good condition

No. 32
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 480 €
STEIFF, Pupp, teddy baby, plush head, 24 cm, original clothes, with button, very good condition, very expressive, 1930 - 1940

No. 33
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 480 €
STEIFF, Molly, longhair mohair , brown, white pointed, sitting, c. 1930, with button, chest label and red cloth tag label, number on cloth tag label 3314, swivel head, 15 cm, condition: without damage

No. 34
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 800 €
STEIFF, hare, on casting wheels with spokes, velvet, white painted, running, shoe button eyes, with button, ribbon with bell, 30 cm long, 1913 - 1917

No. 35
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 120 €
STEIFF, bat, Eric, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, number 1310.00, 1960 - 1961, with a spread of 20 cm, almost without damage

No. 36
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 750 €
STEIFF, dog, Treff, 16 cm, with button, chest label and red, perfect cloth tag label, number on cloth tag label 1317,00, 1928 - 1934, mohair plush, light brown, sitting, hound, softly, with silk collar, condition: without damage

No. 37
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 600 €
STEIFF, dog, Rattler, mohair plush, grey, sitting, neck mechanism, with button, chest label and red cloth tag label, number on cloth tag label 3322,2H, between 1930 and 1934, slightly used, very nice expression

No. 38
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 250 €
STEIFF, dog, Pomeranian, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, number on cloth tag label 3320,2, 1935 - 1943, 20 cm, longhair mohair plush, white, sitting, condition: without damage

No. 39
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 20 €
STEIFF, lying cat, 15 cm, with button and chest label, with swivel head, ribbon, very good condition, c. 1950

No. 40
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 480 €
STEIFF, Breuni, caricature bear, 14 cm, on the occasion of the teenage magazine, "der lustige Breuni, buntes Blatt der Breuninger Jugend", with issue No. 4, as Breuni became a racing driver by chance, racing inforamations, race through Mexico, mohair, felt hands, red felt soles, original felt clothes, with chest label, with button, with rests of the yellow cloth tag label, slightly covered in dust, otherwise almost without damage, 1956 - 57

No. 41
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 280 €
STEIFF, dog, Sealyham, with button, chest label and red cloth tag label, number on cloth tag label 1314,0, between 1930 and 1934, 14 cm, white, standing, with leather collar and bell, was minimally used, swivel head

No. 42
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 750 €
STEIFF, cat, Fluffy, with button, chest label and red cloth tag label, number on cloth tag label 3322,2, 1929 - 1934, 22 cm, longhair mohair plush, white/grey bluish pointed, sitting, softly, with press voice, condition: almost without damage and with minimal mohair loss

No. 43
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 1200 €
STEIFF, the attentive one, bear, 45 cm, yellow, with button and rests of the yellow cloth tag label, 1934 - 1943, long snaped off arms, hump, voice is faulty, dirty paws, minimally mohair loss at different places with red ribbon, nice expression

No. 44
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 650 €
STEIFF, bear, yellow, 1934 - 1943, 30 cm, with button, felt paws in good condition, long snaped off arms, added hump, double press voice, yellow, very good condition


No. 45
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 180 €
STEIFF, teddy bear, yellow, 1936 - 1940, as far as posiible full mohair, voice is faulty, with button, pre-war era, 18 cm, used, nice expression


No. 46
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 650 €
STEIFF, panda, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, number on cloth tag label 5335,00, 1959 - 1961, 36 cm, plastic paws, press voice is faulty, red ribbon, otherwise good condition

No. 47
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 150 €
STEIFF, Nikki-Tikki, advertising figure, Dralon, plastic head and hands, TV doll of the Swiss television, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, number on cloth tag label 7680/30, 1973 , 30 cm, very good condition

No. 48
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 180 €
STEIFF, Pick-sparrow, wood, brown/grey, standing, on eccentric wheels, jumping and seesawing, flat form, realistically and artistical painted with bright paints, 1919 - 1941, 12 cm, used

No. 49
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 150 €
STEIFF, mixed lot of 4 parts, original teddy bears, 4 different paints, 1x grey, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, number on cloth tag label 5310, 1x yellow, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, number on cloth tag label 5310,01, 1x white, just with chest label, cloth tag label is loosely add, 1x dark-brown, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, number on cloth tag label 5310,03, all 9.5 cm, very good condition

No. 50
Steiff - Special auction
Limit: 50 €
STEIFF, original teddy bear, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, number on cloth tag label 5310, dark-brown, with US cloth tag label, 10 cm, 1947 - 53, very good condition