Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
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No. 4325
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 60 €
doll with bisque head, black, 25 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, jointed body, large break off part at the top of head, under the wig, old clothes and shoes, tiptoes at body are knocked
No. 4326
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 160 €
doll with bisque head, not marked, 38 cm, brown sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, formed jointed body, with fix wrists, plaster cover wasn't removed, from outside no visible cracks, 2 fingers are missing, glued part at a joint of the ankle, wig is recent
No. 4327
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 120 €
HEUBACH KÖPPELSDORF 312, SUR in circle 0 1/2, doll bisque head, 48 cm, blue sleepy eyes, jointed body, clothes sewed of old fabric, old shoes, old wig
No. 4328
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 120 €
doll with bisque head 1904-5AM, Made in Austria, the brown glass eyes were later fix inset , simple jointed body with long thighs, stronger scratches on the paintwork of the body, 50 cm
No. 4329
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 60 €
bisque shoulder headed doll, 30 cm, the blue glass eyes were later fix inset, open mouth, teeth, stocky leather body, suitable to the head?, bisque arms, old clothes and underwear, wig is recent, cover of the cardboard head wasn't removed, from outside are no cracks visible
No. 4330
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 40 €
AM 370, bisque shoulder headed doll, 45 cm, brown sleepy eyes, old wig, arms are recent, head was glued, leather body is more used, old clothes
No. 4331
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 80 €
ladylike Biedermeier doll, enameled shoulder headed doll, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, the large break off part at the back of the head was glued, is the starting point for several cracks, early waisted leather body, mass forearms, 60 cm
No. 4332
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 60 €
at 1894, doll with bisque head, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, leather body was later built, with porcelain forearms
No. 4333
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 40 €
KÖNIG & WERNICKE 333-5, Nikaputt, plastic head, later fix inset glass eyes, open mouth, teeth, standing mass body, old shoes, wig wasn't removed, with glue rests around the eyes, knocked finger
No. 4334
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 120 €
K & R 406, turtle without lozenge, celluloid socket head doll, 34 cm, brown sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, formed jointed body, old mohair wig wasn't removed, from outside no visible cracks, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, old shoes
No. 4335
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 40 €
AM 560A, bisque character doll, 28 cm, brown sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, wig is recent, standing mass body, with thick stomach and to the side stretch out hands, restored head, body was more used, with scratches on the paintwork
No. 4336
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 180 €
SIMON & HALBIG doll with bisque head, marked W.S.K. 2, 45 cm, brown sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, formed jointed body, 1 side at the ball of the leg is break off, otherwise body in very good condition, old mohair wig, old clothes
No. 4337
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 120 €
AM 1894, doll with bisque head, 43 cm, brown sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, simple jointed body with long thighs, at small places repaired, hands with color deviations
No. 4338
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 80 €
doll with bisque head, marked 1912K/0, 40 cm, brown sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, jointed body, 1 finger is missing, used, small scratches at the left ear, wig is recent
No. 4339
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 40 €
AM 370, bisque shoulder headed doll, blue sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, simple fabric body, mass arms and legs, wig is recent, wasn't removed, from outside no cracks visible
No. 4340
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 60 €
UNIS FRANCE 301, doll with bisque head, France, 31 cm, blue sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, simple jointed mass body, old wig
No. 4341
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 120 €
SIMON & HALBIG 1248, doll with bisque head, 29 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, simple jointed body by AM with long thighs, old mohair wig, nice expression
No. 4342
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 120 €
AM 560A, DRGM 2333, bisque character doll, 28 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, open mouth, upper teeth, standing mass body, with a thick stomach and jointed arms, strong scratches on the paintwork of the arms, mohair wig
No. 4343
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 40 €
doll with bisque head, marked 6/0, 34 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, hairline crack at the crank, the simple jointed body was completely painted over, long thighs
No. 4344
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 60 €
AM 390,NDRGM246/1, doll with bisque head, socket head, the blue glass eyes were later fix inset, open mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, simple standing mass body, 58 cm
No. 4345
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 120 €
HEUBACH sun, bisquen character boy, 24 cm, socket head, Intaglio eyes, closed mouth, formed baby with sitting body, 1 finger is break off
No. 4346
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 180 €
S & H 1079 3 1/2 Dep. Germany, doll with bisque head, 32 cm, brown sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, formed jointed body, old clothes, old shoes, 1 sole at shoe is missing
No. 4347
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 280 €
doll with bisque head, France, 40 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, open mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, marked No. 4, probably JUMEAU, French jointed body, old wig, body was at some places repaired
No. 4348
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 160 €
unusual mass doll, c. 1910, 31 cm, socket head, painted eyes, closed mouth, formed jointed body, mohair wig
No. 4349
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 120 €
AM Flora Dora, doll with bisque head, 43 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body, with old rubbers, in good condition, 1 finger is break off, wig is recent
No. 4350
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 380 €
bisque, BELTON type, 183 5, 30 cm, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, 1 ear with a small break off porcelain part at the stud, jointed body, recent wig
No. 4351
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 120 €
doll with bisque head, marked S & C-2, blue sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, nice formed jointed body, wig, with glue rests at the edge of head, inside are no cracks visible, doll couldn't be illuminated
No. 4352
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 180 €
KLEY & HAHN 325, bisque character boy, 30 cm, socket head, blue painted Intaglio eyes, open/closed mouth, formed baby with sitting body, 1 finger is missing, some dust inclusions at the back of the head, very expressive
No. 4353
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 90 €
SCHOENAU & HOFFMEISTER 1909, doll with bisque head, 40 cm, brown sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body, a bit yellowish colored, some fingers are break off, old mohair wig was losing hair
No. 4354
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 60 €
JUMEAU doll with bisque head, exceptional half-doll, 14.5 cm, modelled hair, with modelled flowers, head is bend to the side, décolleté with breasts, jointed arms, down below enameled, at the top bisque, 1 upper arm was restored
No. 4355
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 60 €
KLEY & HAHN small doll with bisque head, Valkyrie, 18 cm, blue sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, jointed legs, fix arms, arms were possibly restored, clothes were fix sewn on
No. 4356
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 160 €
bisque shoulder headed doll, marked 190G, 46 cm, blue sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, pierced ears, wig was losing hair, old underwear, old shoes, fragment an old box, without cover, without imprint
No. 4357
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 60 €
exceptional tea doll, enameled head, with fine modelled hair, modelled flowers, and 1 rose in the hand, with flaked off part of porcelain at the fingers
No. 4358
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 120 €
AM 99013, bisque character head, blue sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, mohair wig was later fix glued on, doll couldn't be illuminated, exceptional strong formed toddler body, suitable to the head?, 1 finger at a hand is missing, body is possibly an interesting replacement part
No. 4359
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 650 €
HEUBACH in square, 8226, bisque shoulder headed doll, with appropiated hood, up-painted flower decoration, painted Intaglio-eyes, closed mouth, leather body, jointed mass arms, 30 cm
No. 4360
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 480 €
S & H 1129, bisque porcelain head doll, Middle Eastern, 38 cm, later fix inset glass eyes, open mouth, teeth, jointed body, yellowish toned, crack at back of the head, later fix inset brown glass eyes
No. 4361
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 350 €
HEUBACH in square, 7602 character baby, 32 cm, socket head, blue Intaglio-eyes, closed mouth, formed baby with sitting body, used body
No. 4362
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 650 €
MAX HANDWERCK bisque porcelain Googly, 26 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, appropiated hat, signed: DEP Elite USA, minimally flaked off parts of porcelain at the left eyelid, good condition
No. 4363
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 390 €
JDK 211, bisque porcelain character baby, 30 cm, blue sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, original plaster cover wasn't removed, from outside are no cracks visible, original mohair wig, original baby with sitting body with different postures of hands and standing away teeth, good condition
No. 4364
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 390 €
KESTNER 343, bisque porcelain head doll, 48 cm, brown sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, formed jointed body, old clothes and shoes, old wig, nice expression
No. 4365
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 350 €
JDK bisque porcelain character doll, full head, 30 cm, brown sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, baby with sitting body with different postures of hands, arms were colorwise retouched, used body with small cracks that are caused of old age
No. 4366
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 380 €
ARMAND MARSEILLE 233, bisque porcelain head doll, 33 cm, socket head, blue impish eyes, open mouth, teeth and tongue, toddler body, used, 2 fingers are missing, a bit color is wear down at the right cheek, old wig, old clothes
No. 4367
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 190 €
bisque porcelain head doll, marked 136, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, unusual jointed body, old wig, old clothes, repaired tiptoes
No. 4368
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 450 €
AM 263., Googly, 22 cm, socket head, to the side looking Intaglio eyes, closed mouth, standing mass body with modelled shoes and socks
No. 4369
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 300 €
unusual 3-wheeled dolls pram, c. 1880, 82 cm, turned handle, wheels with spokes, original conceal, cover is partially worn, nice original painting,
No. 4370
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 150 €
dollhouse pram, around 1900, wheels with spokes, porcelain bar, original painting, original conceal, fabric is partially a little bit worn, nice size, 68 cm
No. 4371
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 180 €
rustic doll cupboard, 45 cm tall, nice original painting
No. 4372
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 250 €
Fatschen child, wax, in showcase decorated, width showcase, 38 cm
No. 4373
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 120 €
2 asiatic child chairs, complex painted, England around 1900
No. 4374
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 90 €
folding screen with flower decoration, 82 cm, 2-piece, nice decoration for large dolls