Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
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No. 4024
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 40 €
doll chair for a doll that is c. 30 cm tall, 28 cm, nice produced

No. 4025
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 350 €
suitcase with small Mignonnette, 10 cm, all-bisque, swivel head, fix inset glass eyes, bisque arms and legs, with pieces of clothing and hat

No. 4026
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 450 €
Gaultier France, marked F3.G, 30 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, French jointed body with fix wrists, original cork cover

No. 4027
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 850 €
2 face doll, 40 cm, swivel head with a smiling and a crying face, fix inset brown glass eyes, jointed body, good condition

No. 4028
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 350 €
Biedermeier doll, man, 27 cm, bisque shoulder headed, black fine curly hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, bisque arms and legs, modelled shoes, 1 shoe was glued, old clothes

No. 4029
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 650 €
German jointed bisque doll, 29 cm, blue sleepy eyes, open mouth, teeth, jointed body, old wig, in original box, with pattern, 1 sewing machine is missing, in original box

No. 4030
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 350 €
shoulder headed bisque doll, 42 cm, not marked, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, body with some flaws, 1 arm is loosely add, 1 thumb is missing, wig is recent, clothes partially old or sewed of old fabric

No. 4031
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 390 €
shoulder headed bisque porcelain doll, 50 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, fine modelled blond hair with intimitated hairband, fabric body, mass arms, arms go with body?, very expressive, old clothes and underwear

No. 4032
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 950 €
Gaultier fashion doll, France, marked 4, 36 cm, socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, on bisque, leather body with take in fingers, original wig was losing hair, cork cover, original clothes and underwear, dress is at some places worn

No. 4033
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 90 €
black poodle, lying, pyjama box, 50 cm, head is loosely, pelt loss at the paws

No. 4034
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 90 €
skin dog as pyjama box, 55 cm, glass eyes, knocked ears

No. 4035
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 3300 €
French doll machine, 48 cm, head marked 1907, is moving the head, lifts the arm and at the same time it opens the birdcage, birds steps out and is whistling, porcelain hands, original clothes, silk at collar is a little bit worn, mohair wig, clock mechanism is intact

No. 4036
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 90 €
Mignonnette, 19 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, repaired arms, damaged body

No. 4037
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 350 €
Mignonnette, all-bisque, clothes are probably original, modelled shoes and socks, 1 foot was glued, 1 foot was probably restored, 14.5 cm

No. 4038
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 450 €
Mignonnette, porcelain head, on a mass body, fix inset brown glass eyes, marked 15, painted shoes and socks, 12 cm

No. 4039
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 1900 €
Mignonnette, full head, fix inset brown glass eyes, original clothes, all-bisque, painted shoes and socks

No. 4040
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 800 €
Mignonnette, all-bisque, marked 207-4, fix inset blue glass eyes, original clothes, painted shoes and socks, 13 cm

No. 4041
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 900 €
Mignonnette, all-bisque, full head, fix inset blue glass eyes, modelled shoes and socks, 14 cm

No. 4042
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 200 €
doll with stiff leg, marked head, MOA in star 200, 13-0(Max Oskar Arnold), brown sleepy eyes, open mouth, painted shoes and socks, in original box

No. 4043
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 350 €
wax doll, head and body were made of wax, jointed arms and legs, blue sleepy eyes, 22 cm, finger at the right hand is break off, with some parts of clothes

No. 4044
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 600 €
French harlequin, porcelain head, fix inset brown glass eyes, voice, wood arms and legs, c. 26 cm

No. 4045
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 90 €
Lenci doll in traditional costume, 23 cm, good condition

No. 4046
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 90 €
French doll, type Lenci, in traditional costume, 21 cm, good condition

No. 4047
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 90 €
Lenci girl, farmer's wife, 21 cm, good condition

No. 4048
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 90 €
Lenci boy, original clothes, very good condition, 21 cm

No. 4049
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 90 €
SCHILDKRÖT Ruth, marked IR12 Germany, very good condition

No. 4050
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 20 €
SCHILDKRÖT shoulder head, boy, marked Germany SIR, 8 cm tall, good condition

No. 4051
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 2500 €
JUMEAU TRISTE marked, 9, head restored, fix inset glass eyes, pierced ears, on a jointed body, 50 cm, old cork cover, old wig

No. 4052
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 350 €
SIMON & HALBIG running doll, marked 1039, blue sleepy eyes, open mouth, at the top teeth, pierced ears, 1 earring is missing, dimple at chin, old wig was made of real hair, jointed body with simple run mechanism, 48 cm

No. 4053
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 260 €
SFBJ marked, 301, blue sleepy eyes, lashes, open mouth, at the top teeth, pierced ears, earring, some dirt inclusions in porcelain, 55 cm

No. 4054
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 800 €
SIMON & HALBIG running doll, marked 1039/4 1/2, while it is running the doll moves the head, blue impish eyes, open mouth, at the top teeth, pierced ears, lashes, 37 cm in the original box

No. 4055
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 450 €
Bye-Lo baby, baby with head with flange neck, on a fabric body, celluloid hands, marked stomach, 40 cm

No. 4056
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 90 €
RÖSSLER wash set, marked, white with an edge of gold, in an original box, very covered in dust, height of washing jug 10 cm

No. 4057
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 200 €
shoulder headed wax doll, on a fabric body, mass forearms and lower leg, modelled shoes and socks, face partly torn, fix inset brown glass eyes, 85 cm

No. 4058
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 900 €
early shoulder headed papier mâché doll, black modelled hairstyle, black without pupil glass eyes, on a fabric body with oilcloth arms, separate take in fingers, shoulderhead is in the back cracked, with original clothes, 70 cm

No. 4059
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 220 €
SCHILDKRÖT girl, marked SIRT46, type KÄTHE KRUSE, with blond wig that was made of real hair

No. 4060
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 450 €
K & R,SCHILDKRÖT "emperor-baby", marked 700/36, celluloid head is from an earlier baby with sitting body, 37 cm

No. 4061
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 180 €
SCHILDKRÖT girl, marked T40, model KÄTHE KRUSE, a little bit color is wear down at the hair

No. 4062
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 90 €
SCHILDKRÖT baby, head Miblu, fix inset brown glass eyes, crack at the leftcheek, with break off part at the forehead and at the back of the head, baby with sitting body, 40 cm

No. 4063
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 190 €
MULATIN doll with porcelain head, marked 2, brown fix inset glass eyes, open/closed mouth, pierced ears, on a leather shoulder headed fabric body, arms were probably over painted

No. 4064
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 1400 €
H & R marked 192, porcelain head doll, with fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, on a simple standing mass body, with modelled shoes and socks, more used, 27 cm

No. 4065
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 1200 €
BEAHR & PROESCHILD marked 212, doll with porcelain head, full head, blue Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, early jointed body made of wood and mass, with fix wrists, 27 cm

No. 4066
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 1500 €
SIMON & HALBIG teenager doll, marked 1468, blue sleepy eyes, the left eye was more losing lashes, closed mouth, pierced ears, c. 5 cm large scratch over the forehead, 3 fingers at right hand were later modelled, left hand was break off, was glued to, small flaked off part of porcelain at the right ear, 2 small firing cracks inthe left ear

No. 4067
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 90 €
doll boots, side is more worn, with leather sole, foot lenght 12 cm

No. 4068
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 80 €
exceptional small chest, papier mâché, with gilded clasp, filled with sewing utensils, 12 cm

No. 4069
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 700 €
"Puppenmütterchens Nähschule", original box, consist of: small doll with bisque porcelain head, 30 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, pierced ears, wig wasn't removed, doll couldn't be illuminated , from outside are no cracks visible, with pattern book and game guidance, separate: small box with sewing kit (but it isn't much preserved except of some pieces of clothing), box is except of small places in very good condition

No. 4070
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 2900 €
exceptional bisque porcelain soldier doll, 34 cm, socket head, painted eyes, very modelled features, closed mouth, simple standing mass body, original felt clothes, with papier mâché, helmet

No. 4071
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 750 €
childrens sewing box, wood, with child motive, with some accessories, with 1 small Mignonette, all-bisque, with modelled shoes and socks, fix inset blue glass eyes, 11 cm

No. 4072
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 450 €
Hertel, Schwab & Co. character baby, marked 4/151, full head with blue sleepy eyes, open mouth, baby with sitting body, 30 cm

No. 4073
Toy auction March 25 and March 31/April 1, 2006
Limit: 950 €
shoulder headed porcelain doll, full head, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, 1 earring is missing, some dirt inclusions in the porcelain, on leather body with mass arms, 50 cm

Ladenburger Spielzeugauktion GmbH
Lustgartenstr. 6
68526 Ladenburg
