Spring Auction 2024
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Optical toy (260 items)


No. 718
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 50 €
two wood engravings, monkey and magical lantern, projection in a cabinet of curiosities, 18 x 22 cm and 21 x 21 cm

No. 719
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 150 €
young couple travels with Aquatinta-magic lantern from the 19th century,  24 x 25 cm

No. 720
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 800 €
series of 24 black-white-anamorphosis, printed on wood paper around 1830/1840, exemplar No. 3 is monogrammed  with JJG and plate No. 13 is signed, MALER Jean Jacques GRANDVILLE, famous illustrator 1803/1847, because of its fragility it wasn't mounted  on non-paper- acid cardboard - very rare - 18 x 25 cm

No. 721
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 300 €

anamorphosis, Johan Michael BURUCKERE, around 1800 the gardener, 18 x 19 cm

No. 722
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 300 €

anamorphosis, Johan Michael BURUCKERE, around 1800, the carny with bear, 18 x 19 cm

No. 723
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 350 €
erotic Anamorphose Elias BAECK around 1720, 18 x 22 cm
Hammerprice: 350,00 €

No. 724
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 180 €
set of three engravings with optical box watches reference: Guckkästenshows Richard BALZER, page 99, page 58, sizes 7 x 12 cm, 9 x 14 cm and 15 x 21 cm

No. 725
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 120 €
an optical view of Frankfurt in the winter from the 18th century, 31 x 41 cm
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 726
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 180 €
tapestry, from the late 19th century, scene, the Madame GELY, second wife of DANTON, with her son-in-law looking through a zograscope, 95 cm x 125 cm, the very big original is from the late 18th century and is located in the Château de Maisons Lafitte, reference: Image Makers Jordi PONS, page 91
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 727
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 320 €
stick, around 1820, the knob has a diameter of: 3 cm, the projected shadow shows Napoleon, first reference: Bildmacher Jordi PONS, page 28, overall lenght: 88 cm
Hammerprice: 600,00 €

No. 728
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 350 €
anamorphosis 1800 century, a series with the number 12 Gaudemont, 22 cm x 28 cm
Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 729
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 180 €
vignettes by F, KOBELL-engravings around 1780, 30 x 40 cm

No. 730
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 120 €
postal calendar around 1898, very good condition, lantern magic- projections session, (big polychromes LAPIERRE- model) in a bourgeois family very good condition -rare- 21 x 26 cm
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 731
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 60 €
instructive and amusing playing, folded board 28 x 36.5 cm, with lantern projection, news during the siege of Paris, size of map complete 57 x 73 cm

No. 732
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 400 €
anamorphosis 18th century, black charcoal in remarkable condition -unknown- 23.5 x 29 cm

No. 733
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 300 €
rebus from the 18th century, optical box display from the Lyon region, very good condition, otherwise unknown - extreme rare - 28 x 43 cm

No. 734
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 180 €
famous optics engraving, originally engraved by SCHENAU around 1770, optics box showman with children's group, 35 x 40 cm
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 735
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 150 €
wood engraving-families scene, projection a Laterna Magica, civil scene of the Bon-Genres No. 31 around 180 reference: "Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst NEKES", page 126, 34 x 42 cm

No. 736
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 300 €
monkey with Laterna Magica on the back, engraving by C.HUET around 1800, perfect condition, 30 x 38 cm
Hammerprice: 400,00 €

No. 737
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 220 €
"Das Kostüm", in a Chinese English color lithography around 1800, very nice scene, local optical box, fine decorated, very good condition reference: Die Welt im Kasten, Thomas GANZ, page 81 and Guckkästen Richard BALZER, pages 72 and 73, measurement 40 x 44 cm

No. 738
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 100 €
wood engraving, around 1846, "Die Ministerkrise" very good condition, 28 cm x 39 cm

No. 739
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 120 €
English chromolithography, 19th calendar sheet, family lantern projection event, children practicing a projection, very good condition, 17.5 x 23.5 cm
Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 740
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 180 €
lithographed box from 1887, advertisement for the splendid family lantern session, on the white square was put on a small calendar, every day was a sheet torn off, very nice condition, 33 cm x 43 cm
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 741
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 280 €
change of perspective 18th anticlerical portrait, the portrait of a priest becomes an oxen, 18 x 25 cm

No. 742
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 280 €

engraving from the 18th century, Savoyer with a Laterna Magica, barrel organ and a servant, who carries a box with a marmot, 1773, FRANCESCO MAGIOTTO, reference: cover page Die savoyischen Laternenschausteller Roger GONIN, very good condition, 37 x 43 cm

No. 743
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 650 €
Aubusson-tapestry, optical box, very good condition - rare - 40 x 40 cm

No. 744
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 150 €
engraving from the 18th century "Die Freuden des Tages" family Savoyer on its way, the father carries the lantern 1769, Delatre Paris, very good condition, 32 x 38 cm

No. 745
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 150 €
engraving around 1805, in the original frame, portraits of the royal family Louis XVI Marie Antoinette the Dauphin under a weeping willow, 30 x 38 cm
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 746
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 100 €
around 1830,  under glass fixed optical box-display reference: Guckkästenshows Richard BALZER, page 84, measurement 27 x 32 cm
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 747
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 280 €
engraving from the 18th century, coquettish scene, two ladies on the scene, prank of a young man, in very good condition, 40 x 56 cm

No. 748
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 40 €
La laterna magica, Bartolommeo PINELLI, around 1809, good condition, 42 x 51 cm
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 749
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 100 €
color lithography with Laterna Magica, Bosio, 31 x 40 cm
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 750
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 80 €

Laterna Magica, cinematograph, PLANK, nice lithography, in good condition and Max Lender-paper label, 12.5 x 17 cm

No. 751
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 150 €
special optical view, around 1830, Daguerre-diorama, view to the water tower, Bld. Saint Martin, handcoloured engraving by METZ, Nicolas Gengel and Adrien Dembour, very good condition, 39 x 53 cm
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 752
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 120 €
lithography, magical lantern, 1848, soldiers are looking into the box, the showman shows the battle of Jermmapes, very good condition, reference: Guckkästenshows, Richard BALZER, page 95, note, 43 x 53 cm

No. 753
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 150 €

first page of the satiric newspaper, "LE HANNETON", April 2, 1868, caricature of Louis François Nicolas CLAIRVILLE, dramatist and actor, marking "Chatelet", name of the famous Theaters, in which he succesfully appeared, very good condition, 45 x 61 cm

No. 754
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 150 €
chromolithography, framed in a passepartout, outside measurement 82 cm, mother with child with optical device
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 756
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 600 €
square tapestry from the 18th century, probably an old cushion, very good condition - rare - see Image Makers Jordi PONS, page 89, measurement 59 x 63 cm

No. 757
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 220 €
big poster programme for a projection and shadow evening, March 1897, Parisian school, probably Polytechique, very good condition, 53 x 74 cm
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 758
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 250 €

big English engraving, "Die Show" J HOPPNER AND J YOUNG, 1787, very good condition, reference: Image Makers Jordi PONS, page 80, measurement 50 x 66 cm
Hammerprice: 420,00 €

No. 759
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 80 €
a blue dressed anamorphosis figure, No. 2 a Dutch series , around 1790/1800, Die Cointinué-Bewegung MANNONI, page 128 and a vignette with Laterna Magica holder, very good condition, 20 x 21 cm
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 760
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 350 €
watercolor woman from the 19th century with Laterna Magica, very good condition, 15.5 x 23.5 cm

No. 761
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 250 €
"Plakatabend große Schule von Paris 1951" nice graphic arts with Laterna Magica, 46 cm x 65 cm

No. 762
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 450 €
ABC-book, around 1760, Scaramouche with Laterna Magica, Comedy dell'arte, perfect condition, -very rare- reference: Dutch Perspectives WAGENAAR DULLER, page 110, measurement 40 x 50 cm

No. 763
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 90 €
2 pieces, chromolithography, Magic Lantern Entertainment Given to 1.450 toor and destitute chrildren by the numbers of the fulham liberal Club and institute, Laterna Magica presentation, in a passepartout, inside measurement 23.5 x 16.5 cm and 24.5 x 18.5 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 764
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 120 €
the musical score "Laterna Magica" around 1900 in perfect condition, measurement 27 x 34 cm
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 765
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 220 €
two engravings from the 18th century, young man with Laterna Magica, showman Jm Gaillard le Savoyard reference: Die Schausteller der Laterna Magica der Savoyer Roger Gonin page 30, perfect condition, 19 x 23 cm and 22 x 33 cm

No. 766
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 100 €
amusing diary from October  28, 1871, nice scene with the showman of the Laterna Magica and the organist, perfect condition, 28 x 42 cm

No. 767
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 120 €
musical score around 1900, the Laterna Magica, great Comic-Duo, optical showman in a park, very good condition, 27 x 36 cm

No. 768
Spring Auction 2024
Limit: 180 €

Curiosity, color engraving, 1770, Noel le Mire, very good condition, reference: The Guckkästenshows Richard BALZER, page 23 perfect condition, 44 x 55 cm
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

Ladenburger Spielzeugauktion GmbH
Lustgartenstr. 6
68526 Ladenburg
