Winter auction 2023
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Collection Schildkröt & Celluloid of Fr. Anne Stitz

No. 1800
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
rare black Inge, celluloid, Netherlands, stork symbol, '50s, 39 cm, painted eyes, fix head, jointed arms and legs, good condition

Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 1801
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
4 pieces, celluloid, roly-poly figures, SCHILDKRÖT and others, 8.5 - 15 cm, unusual size, cat, stork, dog, elephant, good condition

Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 1802
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
8 pieces, roly-poly figures, celluloid, 8-14 cm, dog, cat, children, boy with satchel, snowman, good condition
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 1803
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
4 pieces, celluloid, roly-poly figures, clown, 1 rattle, 10 - 14 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 1804
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
9 pieces, clown figures, celluloid, different manufacturers, 6 - 14.5 cm, big clown figure with turn mechanism, good condition
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 1805
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
mixed lot of celluloid, roly-poly figures and Rollis, 16 pieces, 4.5 - 11 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 1806
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
small original box, or figures original sewed on, doll France with clothes, small doll with stiff legs, the singing canary, good condition
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 1807
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
celluloid, boy, 48 cm, exceptional size, up-painted clothes, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, rare
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 1808
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
doll, girl, rare, with pageboy style, celluloid, 31 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened/closed mouth, celluloid baby with sitting body, good condition
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 1809
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
mixed lot of baby dolls, 32 cm, socket head, glass eyes, 35 cm, boy, fix inset blue glass eyes, baby with sitting body, colored SCHILDKRÖT doll, 34 cm, colored Strampelchen, 2 different sizes, small celluloid ball
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 1810
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
black boy, 38 cm, fix head, painted eyes, baby with sitting body, '20s, rare, good condition
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 1811
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
girl, SiR, with pageboy style, celluloid, 38 cm, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, jointed arms, jointed legs, torso, retouched, rare
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 1812
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
drinking baby, 30 cm, early '20s, with bottle, socket head, painted eyes, baby with sitting body, good condition, rare
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 1813
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
black baby doll, France, celluloid, 32 cm, good condition, rare
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 1814
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
rare CELLBA, shoulder headed doll, 38 cm, modelled hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, celluloid arms, old clothes
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 1815
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
775-1, rare, black, character baby, 32 cm, celluloid socket head, brown glass eyes, jointed arms and legs, good condition
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 1816
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
rare black character baby, celluloid, 46 cm, not marked, with to the side looking painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, socket head, jointed arms and legs
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 1817
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 90 €
mixed lot of black celluloid dolls, 5 pieces, MINERVA, boy, 29 cm, SoR, 22.5 cm, JUNO, 23 cm CELLBA, 26 cm SiR, 23 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 1818
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
5 pieces, celluloid, baby dolls, 15-30 cm, among it SiR, KÄMMER & REINHARDT and not marked
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 1819
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
celluloid mixed lot, France, mostly PETITCOLLIN, 5 pieces, among it 2 black dolls, 23 - 37 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 1820
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot, 5 pieces, mask head doll, doll with head with flange neck, felt body, SoR, head with flange neck, laughing boy, felt-clothes, 25 cm, clown, head with flange neck, SiR, body without arms, more recent added, squeaker with head with flange neck
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 1821
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
exceptional celluloid head with flange neck, girl with pageboy style, 27 cm, simple fabric body, SiR, head with flange neck, 20 cm, felt clothes, head with flange neck, PAUL HUNAEUS, 30 cm, fabric body, celluloid arms, small celluloid doll, fix head, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, MINERVA
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 1822
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
3 pieces, doll with stiff legs, celluloid, early, 31 cm, fix head, fine modelled hair, fix inset glass eyes, not marked, black doll with stiff legs, marked Germany, 25½ cm, colored celluloid doll with stiff legs, not marked, 26 cm
Hammerprice: 170,00 €

No. 1823
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
celluloid mixed lot, shoulder headed dolls, USA, 44 cm, MINERVA, boy, 43 cm, PAUL HUNAEUS, girl, shoulder headed doll, fabric body, celluloid forearms
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 1824
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
mixed lot of animals, celluloid, France, 9 pieces, game animals, height: 12-23 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 1825
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
2 pieces, celluloid, waggle heads, France, elephant with guide, height: 17 cm, camel, with guide, height: 18 cm, good condition

Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 1826
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
4 pieces, celluloid, animals with waggle head, France, 2 donkey, sheep, goat, height: 16 cm, a bit color is partially wear down, or dirty, otherwise good condition
Hammerprice: 43,00 €

No. 1827
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
celluloid mixed lot, animals, donkey, height: 13 cm, 1 donkey, height: 10.5 cm, sheep, billy goat, wild boars, 2 bears, France, good condition
Hammerprice: 30,00 €

No. 1828
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
SiR, celluloid, shoulder headed doll, girl with modelled hairband, 41 cm, fabric body, celluloid arms, good condition
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 1829
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
SiR, girl, with modelled hair slide, 45 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes, fabric body, arms were retouched at fabric, celluloid forearms, good condition
Hammerprice: 350,00 €

No. 1830
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
6 pieces, celluloid, small black baby dolls, 12 - 24 cm, MINERVA, PETITCOLLIN, CELLBA, and others, 1 baby, SoR, 22 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 1831
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
8 pieces, small baby dolls, 24 cm, different manufacturers, German and French, mostly '30s, good condition
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 1832
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
black baby, 29 cm, rare, fix head, painted eyes, jointed arms and legs, good condition

Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 1833
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
celluloid mixed lot, black dolls, 13-30 cm, SCHILDKRÖT, PETITCOLLIN, MINERVA, CELLBA, good condition
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 1834
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
rare doll, SiR, 24 cm, socket head, modelled headband, jointed arms and legs, loosely rubbers, good condition
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 1835
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
rare doll, 24 cm, socket head, fine modelled hair, jointed arms and legs, good condition
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 1836
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
3 pieces, celluloid, CELLBA, girl, 22 cm, with plait, boy and girl, 23.5 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 1837
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
type Lenci, girl, 18.5 cm, fix head, with to the side looking painted eyes, crackle, wig, jointed arms and legs, original clothes
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 1838
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
mixed lot with 7 pieces made of celluloid, SCHILDKRÖT, Hans, 24.5 cm, BRUNO SCHMIDT, baby, with up-painted clothes, 18 cm, PETITCOLLIN, CELLBA, good condition
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 1839
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
type PAUL HUNAEUS, celluloid, SiR, 43 cm, Igodi-head, wit to the side looking painted eyes, crackle, exceptional size, real hair wig, fix glued on, original clothes, good condition
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 1840
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 80 €
celluloid, girl, France, 50 cm, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, celluloid jointed body, rare, very good condition
Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 1841
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 90 €
SiR, doll with head with flange neck,machine, 31 cm, boy, painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, mass wire body with push musical mechanism, original clothes, unusual
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 1842
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 50 €
SiR, celluloid shoulder headed doll, girl with pageboy style, "Miblu", 51 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, teeth, leather body, celluloid forearms, old clothes and shoes, very good condition
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 1843
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
SoR, celluloid shoulder headed doll, early, 36 cm, fine modelled hair, painted eyes, fabric body, celluloid arms, very good condition
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 1844
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 50 €
SoR, shoulder headed doll, 40.5 cm, fine modelled hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, leather body, celluloid forearms, early
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 1845
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
mixed lot of asiatic and colored dolls, different manufacturers, PETITCOLLIN, BRUNO SCHMIDT, SCHILDKRÖT, and others, 8 pieces, 13 - 20 cm
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 1846
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 90 €
3 pieces, celluloid, 727, boy, 36 cm, socket head, painted eyes, painted hair, KÄMMER & REINHARDT, 715, 38 cm, socket head, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, standing mass body, no color deviation, with 2 dolls, SCHILDKRÖT, glass eyes, wig
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 1847
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 70 €
mixed lot of celluloid dolls, France, PCP, UNIFRANCE, 29 - 51 cm, big doll, loosely rubbers, good condition
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 1848
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 80 €
mixed lot with 6 pieces, among it 2 dolls colored, 32 - 35 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 110,00 €

No. 1849
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
3 pieces, celluloid, girl, 43 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, girl, 36 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, color deviations between head and body, 1 baby doll, 30 cm, painted eyes, rubbers, small repaired place at the leg disc
Hammerprice: 150,00 €