Winter auction 2023
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Toys, dollhouses, dolls
No. 694
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of dolls, shoulder headed doll, marked 1080, 39 cm, the glass eyes were afterwards fix inset, leather body, porcelain forearms, bisque porcelain head doll, marked 261, DEP, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed body, retouched body, without wig, 1 bisque porcelain head doll, France, E5D, Deposé, 38 cm, restored head, 1 doll, JDK KESTNER, 257, head restored, blue impish eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, Toddler-body, wig is more recent, 43 cm
Hammerprice: 800,00 €
No. 695
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
3 pieces, dolls, China-Head-shoulder headed doll, glazed porcelain, height of head up to to the breast plate: 15 cm, blue painted eyes, modelled hair, closed mouth, leather body, fabric legs (not suitable to thehead, too small), China-Head-shoulder headed doll, 54 cm, fine modelled hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, head at breast plate was multiple glued, strongly used leather body with opened places, 1 China-Head-shoulder headed doll, blond, 32 cm, leather body with opened places
Hammerprice: 130,00 €
No. 696
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
390, 78 cm, bisque socket head, blue, the glass eyes were glass eyes afterwards fix inset, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, formed jointed body, exceptional size, wig is more recent, without head cover
Hammerprice: 150,00 €
No. 697
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
wax coated papier mâché doll, c. 1860, 68 cm, dark, without pupil, fix inset glass eyes, 1 eye is a bit low, cracks in wax, fabric body, wood arms, paint is worn, old clothes
Hammerprice: 220,00 €
No. 698
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 90 €
wax coated papier mâché doll, 45 cm, shoulder headed doll, fix inset blue glass eyes, nice original hairstyle, made of mohair, fabric body, mass arms and -legs, with modelled boots, old clothes, cheek with repaired place, c. 1850
Hammerprice: 90,00 €
No. 699
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
wax coated papier mâché doll, England, 40 cm, without pupil, fix inset dark glass eyes, put on mohair, fabric body, leather arms, small MOTSCHMANN doll, wax coated papier mâché, eyes are a bit sunken, fabric body, jointed wooden arms and legs, cracks in face
Hammerprice: 140,00 €
No. 700
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 70 €
2 pieces, China-Head, shoulder headed doll, 59 cm, front with a tear at breast plate, leather body, worn, unusual China-Head-shoulder headed doll, 55 cm, 2 flaws at the breast plate in the back, painting a bit worn, fabric body, small GRÖNDNERTAL doll, small GRÖDNERTAL, dressed, 29 cm
Hammerprice: 110,00 €
No. 701
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
2 pieces, dolls, 1x marked 10½ Germany, 58 cm, blue sleepy eyes, eyes must be new put in, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, jointed body, old real hair wig, clothes with moth damage, bisque porcelain head doll, probably GOEBEL, 50 cm, socket head, restoredat the crank , French jointed body, real hair wig, more recent
Hammerprice: 80,00 €
No. 702
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
mixed lot of dolls, bisque porcelain head doll, reproduction, exceptional, stocky, Toddler-body, doll all in all 60 cm, bisque porcelain head doll, HERTEL, SCHWAB & CO, 65 cm, back of the head was retouched, body was retouched
Hammerprice: 140,00 €
No. 703
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 50 €
mixed lot of dolls, SIMON & HALBIG, 45 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth with upper teeth, pierced ears, standing body with jointed wrists, real hair wig, more recent, SIMON & HALBIG / KÄMMER & REINHARDT, front marked with W, 56 cm, brown sleepy eyes, must be new put in, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, old real hair wig, jointed body, size 14, 55 cm, head was unhandsome restored, afterwards restored, the glass eyes were afterwards fix inset, closed mouth, jointed body, suitable?, was at many places retouched
Hammerprice: 150,00 €
No. 704
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of 3 dolls, wax coated papier mâché doll, 41 cm, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, mass arms and legs, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 44 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, fabric body, mass arms, papier mâché socket head doll, on a breast plate, leather body, porcelain forearms, used
Hammerprice: 240,00 €
No. 705
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 38 cm, the dark fix inset glass eyes without pupils, fine modelled hair, fabric body, leather arms, worn nose, 1 crack on the forehead
Hammerprice: 80,00 €
No. 706
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 70 €
China-Head, glazed porcelain, shoulder headed doll, 57 cm, fine modelled hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, leather body, used, wood arms
Hammerprice: 70,00 €
No. 707
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of dolls, probably HERTEL, SCHWAB & CO, bisque porcelain head doll, marked 181, character baby, bisque socket head, the glass eyes were afterwards unhandsome fix inset, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, strongly used jointed body, not suitable, 75 cm, bisque porcelain head doll, marked 136 10, 60 cm, socket head, the brown glass eyes were afterwards fix inset, teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, jointed body, wig is more recent, firing crack at the crank, HEUBACH, 250, bisque porcelain head doll, 44 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, old real hair wig, jointed body, old clothes and shoes
Hammerprice: 180,00 €
No. 708
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 70 €
wax coated, papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 62 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, mass arms and legs, up-painted shoes and socks
Hammerprice: 100,00 €
No. 709
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of dolls, bisque porcelain character baby, marked 1294, 70 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, jointed body made of different parts, real hair wig, bisque porcelain head doll, marked 191, the glass eyes were afterwards inset, body was partially over painted or unhandsome repaired
Hammerprice: 150,00 €
No. 710
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of dolls, small KÄMMER & REINHARDT, 126, colored, 27 cm, head restored, body was partially over painted, small colored doll, 18.5 cm, head isn't suitable to the body, 2 small black dolls, squirted porcelain, small doll, KESTNER, bisque socket head, restored, jointed body, 20 cm, small bisque porcelain head doll, 17 cm, small Amerindian doll, 20.5 cm, swivel head, small doll harlequin, mass, age of body?
Hammerprice: 220,00 €
No. 711
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 50 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 39 cm, modelled hair, painted eyes, leather body, wooden arms and legs, leather at arms and legs are broken, wax coated shoulder headed doll, 39 cm, fix inset glass eyes without pupil , fabric body, leather arms, repairedarms
Hammerprice: 160,00 €
No. 712
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
mixed lot of dolls, character baby, marked 262 50, 60 cm, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, on a sturdy jointed body, body is probably not suitable to the head, 1 doll, bisque socket head, head replica, exceptional wood body, jointed, 56 cm, without wig, bisque porcelain head doll, LIMOGES, 64 cm, socket head, the blue glass eyes were afterwards unhandsome fix inset, tear at head, body isn't suitable to the head
Hammerprice: 130,00 €
No. 713
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 80 €
bisque porcelain head doll, marked DEP No. 4, 33 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, a bit color is wear down at the cheek, used, French jointed body, color deviations at the hands, old mohair wig
Hammerprice: 390,00 €
No. 714
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
fashion doll, Fashion-Doll, France, 55 cm bisque socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, the head was unhandsome restored, on a bisque breast plate, leather body, slightly bent legs, single stitched down fingers and toes (interesting body)
Hammerprice: 390,00 €
No. 715
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 140 €
laughing boy, bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, 50 cm, fine modelled hair, blue Intaglio eyes, opened/closed mouth, modelled tongue and teeth, leather body, jointed wood/mass arms
Hammerprice: 500,00 €
No. 716
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 80 €
bisque porcelain full head, character baby, 48 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, eye mechanism is a bit deep, used jointed body, hands were repaired, body has repaired places, suitable to the head?, ARMAND MARSEILLE, Flora Dora, 42 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body, old real hair wig, edge of head is a bit dirty
Hammerprice: 300,00 €
No. 717
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 50 €
mixed lot of dolls, ARMAND MARSEILLE, 1894, small bisque porcelain head doll, with mechanism for turning the head, 30 cm, celluloid shoulder headed doll, fabric body, restored head, shoulder headed doll, marked 1123½, with leather body, loose add, 1 shoulder headed doll, China-Head, tear in the front of the breast plate, put on wig, fabric body is loose add, exceptional China-Head-shoulder headed doll, leather body, tear in the breast plate
Hammerprice: 240,00 €
No. 718
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 90 €
bisque porcelain head doll, 171, 44 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body, old underwear, old shoes, old real hair wig
Hammerprice: 160,00 €
No. 719
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 20 €
mixed lot of dwarves, different sizes, used, rubber parts partially with formation of cracks, mostly without button and chest label, 1 Waldili, gun is missing, complete, chest label is worn, 1 dwarf with drum, clock mechanism is intact, cat and dog, fireman
Hammerprice: 120,00 €
No. 720
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 80 €
Stürzenschläger, 40 cm, bisque socket head, SFBJ, marked 255, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, body mass / wire, push function is a bit warped
Hammerprice: 650,00 €
No. 721
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 36 cm, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, mass arms and legs, modelled boots, original clothes, caused of old age in worn condition, put on mohair wig, only available in parts
Hammerprice: 130,00 €
No. 722
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 63 cm, sleepy eyes (eye mechanism stucks), please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, fabric body, leather forearms, partially worn, papier mâché wax coated shoulder headed doll, restored, fix inset dark glass eyes, fabric body, wood/ mass arms and legs, 46 cm
Hammerprice: 120,00 €
No. 723
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, marked 11, 70 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, fabric body, leather legs, teared at some places, porcelain arms, some places were unhandsome retouched, firing crack at the breast plate, bisque porcelain head doll, KESTNER, 44 cm, restoredhead, body is stronger worn
Hammerprice: 120,00 €
No. 724
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
nice treasure chest, doll shoes, old, single and in pairs, hats, clothes, hoods, papier mâché dog, children`s sewing machine, nice treasure chest
Hammerprice: 220,00 €
No. 725
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
shop, c. 1910, width: 50 cm, height: 26 cm, drawers with curved tin signs, counter, wallpaper at floor was 1x restored, with doll, accessories are more recent
Hammerprice: 110,00 €
No. 726
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 160 €
shop, furnished like a dollhouse cake shop, width: 60 cm, height: 32 cm, drawers with porcelain signs, counter, accessories from different periods, painting probably more recent, decorative, with doll, 1 part of the railing loose
Hammerprice: 300,00 €
No. 727
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 20 €
hawker stand, table with accessories, old accessories, otherwise handicraft, height: 15 cm, decorative
Hammerprice: 100,00 €
No. 728
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 180 €
bisque porcelain head doll, France, marked 1907, 90 cm, exceptional size, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, French jointed body, 1 hand was supplemented by a German hand, 1 hand with retouched fingers, real hair wig, clothes old or sewed of old fabric
Hammerprice: 1400,00 €
No. 729
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 160 €
theatre, c. 1910, width: 55 cm, 11 marionettes, wood/mass, height of figures: 20 cm
Hammerprice: 800,00 €
No. 730
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
big mixed lot of doll replacement parts, heads, SCHILDKRÖT, MINERVA, porcelain heads, papier mâché heads, partially different conditions, partially retouched, partially good, arms, doll KESTNER with exceptional body, restored head, repaired body, a nice lot, please have a look at it
Hammerprice: 180,00 €
No. 731
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
bisque porcelain head doll, marked Mon safe 5, 42 cm, socket head, fix inset glass eyes, 1 glass eye was glued, 2 celluloid rugby players Japan, 1 children's satchel, 1 doll, celluloid head, 70 cm, eyes are sunken, parts can be used as replacement parts, please note the transport expenditure
Hammerprice: 88,00 €
No. 732
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 80 €
dollhouse shop, blue/white, c. 1910, width: 80 cm, height: 43 cm, front shopwindow, drawers with porcelain signs, with counter, some accessories with doll, probably 1x painted over, please note the transport expenditure, must be partially a bit retouched
Hammerprice: 140,00 €
No. 733
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 50 €
fashion shop, stand, height: 42 cm, width: 28.5 cm, handicraft, age?, decorative, with many accessories
Hammerprice: 300,00 €
No. 734
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
fashion shop, handicraft made of old materials, width: 71.5 cm, height: 38 cm, with counter, shopwindow at the side, extensive accessories with doll, upper chest label must be new fixed, please note the transport expenditure
Hammerprice: 150,00 €
No. 735
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 180 €
shop for colonial goods (shop), height: 37 cm, width: 58 cm, depth: 31 cm, partially a bit retouched, with accessories and doll
Hammerprice: 330,00 €
No. 736
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 120 €
2-part small dollhouse room, height: 26 cm, width: 51 cm, partially old wallpaper, 2 windows, must be slightly adjusted, with accessories, furnished
No. 737
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 120 €
dollhouse case, width: 52 cm, height: 27 cm, furnished, partially old wallpaper
Hammerprice: 150,00 €
No. 738
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 50 €
2 pieces, dolls, SONNEBERGER PORZELLANFABRIK, 129 SP, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, body is more recent, SIMON & HALBIG, 1079, 25 cm, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed body
Hammerprice: 110,00 €
No. 739
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 140 €
dollhouse butchery, width: 64.5 cm, height: 33 cm, probably handicraft made of old materials, or retouched, decorative, accessories from different periods, with dolls
Hammerprice: 400,00 €
No. 740
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 40 €
dollhouse-shop, around 1900, color and wallpaper are more recent, must be slightly adjusted, with accessories from different periods, please note the transport expenditure, rather for collection by the customer
Hammerprice: 140,00 €
No. 741
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 60 €
dollhouse decoration pieces, bisque porcelain head dolls, 2 pieces, fix heads, fix inset glass eyes, jointed arms and legs, 10½ cm, 2 dolls all-bisque, 1 pram, sheet metal, hood is missing, different conditions
Hammerprice: 260,00 €
No. 742
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 30 €
treasure chest, decoration pieces, porcelain figures, glass and tin pieces, extensive, different periods, please have a look at it, please note the shipping costs because of the volume
Hammerprice: 140,00 €
No. 743
Winter auction 2023
Limit: 20 €
small dollhouse room, width: 48.5 cm, height: 35.5 cm, depth: 22.5 cm, 2 windows, old wallpaper, must be adjusted a bit
Hammerprice: 60,00 €