Special auction February 19/20, 2016
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No. 3553
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 60 €
Christmas tree decoration, 12 pieces, box with glass dust, houses, shoe, star, sledge, etc.
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 3554
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 60 €
Christmas tree decoration, 13 pieces, box with glass dust, 1 part of it is damaged, houses, windmill, aviary, crib, cradle, shoe, horseshoe, etc., 1 part is damaged, otherwise good

No. 3555
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 60 €
Christmas tree decoration, 12 pieces, box with glass dust, water mill, houses, windmill, crib, cradle
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 3556
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 70 €
Christmas tree decoration, 15 pieces, box with glass dust, houses, church, windmill, crib, butterfly, bird basket
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 3557
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 120 €
Christmas tree decoration, 3 pieces, lace, glass, leonic wires, 1 star, 27 - 33 cm
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 3558
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 40 €
Christmas tree decoration, 3 pieces, flower, tinfoil, 15 cm, leaves, with leonic wires and small glass ball, 23 cm, 1 part with lead glazing, with Santa Claus, 1954
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 3559
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 60 €
Christmas tree decoration, '20s - '50s, fairy chains, sparklers, tinsel, big mixed lot, everything is original packed, please have a look at it
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 3560
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 40 €
Christmas tree decoration, mirror glass, 7 pieces, automobiles, 7.5 - 9 cm
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 3561
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 40 €
Christmas tree decoration, 12 pieces, train chain, 6 - 7.5 cm
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 3562
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 40 €
Christmas tree decoration, glass, gondola, body made of leonic wires, 14 cm
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 3563
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 60 €
Christmas tree decoration, 10 pieces, glass, baubles, fruit, small ship, 8 - 10 cm

No. 3564
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 80 €
Christmas tree decoration, 35 pieces, miniature glass, probably Russia, 2 - 4 cm, figures, fruits
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 3565
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 80 €
Christmas tree decoration, glass, Russia, miniatures, 35 pieces, baubles, figures, fruits, 2 - 6 cm
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 3566
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 30 €
Christmas tree decoration, 12 pieces, mirror glass, baubles, with a diameter of 5 cm, original box
Hammerprice: 30,00 €

No. 3567
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 60 €
Christmas tree decoration, 2 pieces, swan ship, 11 cm, 1 balloon, 11 cm, leonic wires, wafer picture
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 3568
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 70 €
Christmas tree decoration, 3 pieces, ball as bird's nest, leonic wires, 2 birds with clamps

No. 3569
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 90 €
Christmas tree decoration, 3 pieces, 2 x balloon, 1 x basket with flowers, glass, leonic wires, wafer pictures, 11 - 13 cm
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 3570
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 60 €
Christmas tree decoration, 3 pieces, glass, leonic wires, 9 - 22 cm, partially loss of gelatine
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 3571
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 40 €
Christmas tree decoration, wax angel with paper wings, 11 cm

No. 3572
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 60 €
Christmas tree decoration, 8 pieces, glass, leonic wires, wafer pictures, 5 - 14 cm
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 3573
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 40 €
Christmas tree decoration, glass, 3 pieces, small whistle, 9 cm, 2 pieces made of glass thread

No. 3574
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 60 €
Christmas tree decoration, mass, bird, with gold dust and tin foil wings, bell, cat with clamps, baubles, cucumber, 7 pieces
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 3575
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 40 €
Christmas tree decoration, cotton wool, dwarf with cylinder,, wooden feet, 10.5 cm, 1 chick

No. 3576
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 160 €
Christmas tree decoration, cotton wool, chimney sweep with 2 lucky pigs, 12 cm
Hammerprice: 420,00 €

No. 3577
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 30 €
Christmas tree decoration, Santa Claus, felt, papier mâché face, flat, 13 cm

No. 3578
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 120 €
Christmas tree decoration, duck with clothes, mythical creature, cotton wool, crepe clothes, 10 cm
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 3579
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 120 €
Christmas tree decoration, cotton wool, clown, with crepe clothes, face painted, 15 cm, dress is caused of old age a bit worn

No. 3580
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 80 €
Christmas tree decoration, cotton wool, snowman, with paper hat, 14 cm
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 3581
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 90 €
Christmas tree decoration, 2 pieces cotton wool, dwarf with crepe clothes and wafer face, 9 cm and 10 cm

No. 3582
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 140 €
Christmas tree decoration, cotton wool, duck with crepe dress, 10 cm, unusual
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 3583
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 60 €
Christmas tree decoration, cotton wool, with wafer picture, flat, 11 cm
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 3584
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 80 €
Christmas tree decoration, cotton wool, angel, mass face and crepe dress, 12.5 cm
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 3585
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 90 €
Christmas tree decoration, 2 pieces, Santa Claus, mass face, pipe cleaner, 14 cm
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 3586
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 70 €
Christmas tree decoration, 2 pieces, dwarfes, pipe cleaner, Santa Clauses, mass face, 8 cm

No. 3587
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 120 €
Christmas tree decoration,, cotton wool, Santa Clauses with wafer face and crepe clothes, 12 cm

No. 3588
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 40 €
Christmas tree decoration, Santa Claus, wafer picture, pipe cleaner, 12.5 cm

No. 3589
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 60 €
Christmas tree decoration, devil, pipe cleaner, mass face, paper trident, glued, 8 cm

No. 3590
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 80 €
Christmas tree decoration, 3 pieces, cotton wool, Santa Clauses, with wafer face, 9.5 cm
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 3591
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 90 €
Christmas tree decoration, 3 pieces, Santa Claus with ball, 10 cm, angel with crepe clothes, 9 cm, child with ball, 9.5 cm, with wafer face
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 3592
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 120 €
Christmas tree decoration, 4 pieces, cotton wool, flat, star, cloud, horseshoe, Santa Claus, with wafer pictures, 9 - 12 cm
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 3593
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 60 €
Christmas tree decoration, pipe cleaner, sailor, 13.5 cm, 2 pigeons with paper wings
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 3594
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 70 €
Christmas tree decoration, 3 pieces, figures, 2 x fabric, wire body, teacher with whistle, 1 chimney sweep, 16 cm, 1 figure, head cork, fabric/wire body, Asian, 14 cm
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 3595
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 120 €
Christmas tree decoration, 4 pieces, cotton wool, Santa Clauses, 1 child on swing, 7 - 12 cm
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 3596
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 80 €
Christmas tree decoration, money box, guard house, lithographed sheet metal, Amor Schokolad Berne, 10 cm

No. 3597
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 90 €
Christmas tree decoration, money box shaped like a cylinder, handpainted sheet metal, 7 cm in diameter, with 1 lantern, lithographedsheet metal, 7.5 cm, 1 chest, 7 cm, nice decoration for a tin car
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 3598
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 120 €
Christmas tree decoration, turning lantern with clamp, candle holder, 11.5 cm, unusual
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 3599
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 80 €
Christmas tree decoration, sheet metal, 3 pieces, lanterns, 2 x with candle holder, 1 x candle holder is missing, 7 cm and 9.5 cm
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 3600
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 90 €
Christmas tree decoration, 3 pieces Penny Toy, fish, 11.5 cm, small Beetle, 7 cm, 1 Beetle, 7 cm, sheet metal

No. 3601
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 70 €
Christmas tree decoration, Penny Toy, figure with impeller, height 12 cm, lithographed sheet metal

No. 3602
Special auction February 19/20, 2016
Limit: 60 €
Christmas tree decoration, Penny Toy, bucket, cover is missing, iron, 7.5 cm, apple, Candy container, small box with flower
Hammerprice: 60,00 €